In all of our lives there is a great danger in believing that who
we are, where we are, and what we have is all that there is.
There is more. Do you know what it is like to walk through the
streets of Paris in the pouring rain without a worry in the world,
enjoying every last drop of rain that falls on your face? Do you
know what it is like to see The Nutcracker performed at the Sydney
Opera House and sit so close that you can see the beads of sweat on
the dancers’ foreheads?
Do you know what it is like to dance with no music on a beach
on the island of Crete with someone you love more than you ever
imagined you could love? Do you know what it is like to feel so
guided that it is as though God has His very hand on your shoulder
and is whispering in your ear? Do you know what it is like to
stand in the Sistine Chapel and look up in awe at Michelangelo’s
greatest work, listening to those around you speak in fifteen different
languages, breathing more deeply than you ever have, and
smelling the musty air of one of the most renowned places of worship
and artistic treasures in the world? Do you know . . . there is
You cannot live without dreams. Dreams foster hope, and hope
is one of the forces by which men and women live.
To dream is the easiest thing in the world. There are no limitations
to dreaming. But as we grow we experience pain, failure, criticism,
and disappointment, and we gradually limit our dreams.
We seek to live in the comfort zone. There is no such thing. It is
much more difficult to try to live in a comfort zone than it is to follow
our dreams, because the comfort zone is only an illusion, but
our dreams are real. Will you spend the rest of your life chasing an
illusion or following your dreams?
Matthew Kelly
From The Rhythm of Life
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