Each and every one of us must make this same journey from
the expectations of others to the celebration of self. There is nothing
wrong with being a soldier or a priest. But if you were born to
become an artist and instead you became a soldier, that would be
a tragedy. To become who you were created to be is the only thing
that matters and is the only true and lasting success. A woman
could become the greatest president her nation has ever seen, but
if she were more suited to be a high school teacher, she would feel
an inner discomfort her whole life.
It is this inner discomfort that we must identify and root out.
The great challenge is not to succeed but rather to discover
what your unique abilities are and offer them to the world in the
best way you can. To feel at home with who you are and where you
are and what you are doing is worth more than all the treasures
and pleasures money can buy. Worldly success and material gain
are easy by comparison. The real challenge is not the quest for success but the quest to create inner comfort by being faithful to who
we truly are.
Matthew Kelly
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