Continuous change is now an accepted part of life and business.
The waves of change are constantly crashing on the shore
of our lives, but it is a well-defined value structure that allows
us to thrive in the midst of the change. It is the unchanging
that allows us to make sense of the change.
For more than two hundred years America has thrived
as a nation in the midst of very different situations and circumstances.
How does the United States survive amid the
constant change that surrounds her and is within her? The
Constitution. When America has a crisis we can look to the
Constitution for guidance. When America has an opportunity
we can look to the Constitution for direction. In over two
hundred years there have been just twenty-seven
amendments to this incredible document. If you wrote a mission statement
today, you might make twenty-sixamendments in the next couple
of months. The enduring power of this document comes from
the parts of it that are unchanging, and the idea of it that is unchanging.
As individuals we need this unchanging direction also. We
discussed earlier that the common unchanging purpose of our
lives is to become the-best-version-of-ourselves. In moments
of decision, in a crisis, or when presented with an incredible
opportunity, you are able to look to this unchanging purpose
and ask, “How will this help me to become, or hinder me from
becoming, the-best-version-of-myself?
A defined set of values (or priority list) is a way to deepen
and strengthen what is unchanging in our lives. Tom uses his
priority list in times of decision because they shine the unchanging
light of his priorities on situations that are constantly
changing. In the same way, if you take the time to develop
your priority list as directed in chapter 5, this list will become
a valuable and practical tool in your decision-making
process. Let’s face it, life is all about choices. We are constantly making
choices, but what are we basing our choices on?
We all need some unchanging values and principles to guide
us. We live in a world of rapid and continuous change. Such
change can be disorienting. The only way to thrive in an environment
of change is to know which values are non-negotiable for you.
Matthew Kelly
From Off Balance
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