This week… The UNCOMFORTABLE Truth About Heaven. 7 Ways to STOP Feeling Overwhelmed! The Key to GREAT Change in Your Life. 3 Questions that SHOW How Honest You Are. And a Catholic guide to Mindfulness. All that and more to inspire you this week!
1. 7 Ways to STOP Feeling Overwhelmed!
3. What are you laying your life down for? Come lay it down for an urgent mission. Dynamic Catholic is hiring for many positions, send us your resume!
4. Follow where Jesus walked and visit dozens of the most sacred places mentioned in the Bible. This incredible pilgrimage to the holy land will bring Jesus’ story to life!
5. The UNCOMFORTABLE Truth About Heaven, Hell…and Neighbors - This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection.
6. Have you seen the Profoundly Human YouTube Channel? This new channel is designed to celebrate the art of conversation and share ideas, insights, and experiences from some of the most talented people on the planet. Watch. Listen. Enjoy. Share!
“There is a moment at the end of each day, when we lay our head on our pillows. Our bodies are tired, our minds relax, and our egos let go. It is a solitary moment. If we listen carefully in that moment, we will discover where we stand. That moment never lies. It reveals the meaning or meaninglessness of our lives.” - Holy Moments
Have a great week!
PS - Did you miss this? Watch this MIND-BLOWING webinar on creating a 25-year plan for your life!
PPS - If you missed the last edition, click here.

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.