Sooner or later most of us arrive at a time in our lives where we
say to ourselves, Something is wrong. It happens to some people
when they are very young and to others when they are much
older. Different circumstances awaken this sense in different people,
but it usually is not about the circumstances. The circumstances
simply shine a light on it, but they themselves are just
symptoms. The circumstances are external, but the disease is
What we are really saying is, This is not who I am or This is not
who I want to be or This is not who I was born to become or I don’t
feel like myself or I don’t feel comfortable with myself or Who am I,
and what am I here for? or I don’t like who I’ve become or What is
life really all about—because if this is all there is . . .
These are all good and valid thoughts and questions.
Sometimes when you get the feeling that something is wrong,
you are mistaken. Something is actually right. Very right. Normal
and healthy. This moment of realizing that something is wrong is
part of the process of maturing into a healthy adult human being.
These questions are great questions. Something would be wrong if
you never had the courage to ask questions like these.
At these moments of enormous doubt and perplexity, you are
waking up. Don’t go back to sleep. Don’t let someone tell you to
just go back to sleep. Embrace this moment. It is the beginning of
wonderful new things for you.
Matthew Kelly
From Perfectly Yourself
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