1. Never Say “I CAN’T”. A Great Lesson from Matthew McConaughey.
2. 28 Obstacles to Having Your BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! It’s harder than you might think to have a great Christmas.
3. The Mindful Catholic. Dr. Greg Bottaro has helped thousands of people find the peace God desires for their lives.
4. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje! Ready to experience one of the most prominent Marian Apparition sites of the 20th and 21st Centuries?
5. This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection. The Secret of ENDURANCE: How to Achieve Your Dreams!
6. We All Live Unexpected Lives. The unexpected is either a curse or an opportunity. We get to decide.
7. 4 Ways You Can PREDICT Your Future! How do you want your life to be different, one year from now?
“Mindfulness is the effort to fill the mind with all that is around it. Mindfulness is waking up to reality, to the sights, sounds, tastes, feelings, smells, and thoughts that are happening in each moment. We seek to fill our minds with these realities during mindfulness exercise, not empty them of anything.” - The Mindful Catholic
Have a great week!
PS - Did you miss this? Matthew Kelly Interviews His Sons - Biggest Cincinnati Reds Fans Ever
PPS - If you missed the last edition, click here.

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.