If you ask parents if they want their children to grow up to live
passionate and purposeful lives they will say, “Absolutely!” But how many
parents are living passionate and purposeful lives? Not so
many. I am not talking about doing extraordinary things in
extraordinary ways. I am speaking of approaching ordinary
things with passion and purpose.
I don’t work hard because I will lose my job if I don’t, and
I don’t work hard because I get paid to. I work hard because
working hard and paying attention to the details of my work
helps me to become a-better-version-of-myself. In this way,
my work has a purpose way beyond money or advancement
or survival. When I approach my work in this way, and I
must admit I do not every day, but when I do I am living purposefully.
Nothing is more ordinary than work, but it can be
done purposefully.
Similarly, what are your passions? Are you passionate
about learning, music, art, travel, science, investing? Have
you allowed your parenting and career to crowd out your
passions? When our children see us pursuing and enjoying
our passions, they begin to consider what they themselves are
passionate about—and through their passions, one of life’s
great adventures begins.
Living passionately and purposefully is one of the greatest
gifts parents can give their children.
Matthew Kelly
From Building Better Families
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