Our exploration of the various types of desires brings us finally to
our spiritual desires. They lie hidden from superficiality and frivolity
in the deepest recesses of the human heart. Our spiritual desires
in some ways are the subtlest of all, yet they reveal the greatest of
our legitimate needs.
Perceiving and responding to our spiritual desires is the most
essential aspect of personal development. The yearnings of the
senses call out to us with unerring consistency and draw attention
to the needs and wants of our bodies, but our spiritual desires lie at
the bottom of the deep, still waters of our being.
The deepest desire of our hearts is not to do something or to
have something, but rather for peace. We yearn endlessly for
peace. We all long for the peace of knowing that who we are, where
we are, and what we are doing is essentially good. We need to
know that we are contributing to the happiness of others and that,
however slowly, we are progressing toward becoming the-best-version-
of-ourselves. This is the prescription for peace.
The needs that correspond with our desire for peace are silence,
simplicity, and solitude.
Do you ever feel you just need a little time to yourself? Do you
find yourself questioning the way you are living your life? Do you
have questions about what is best for you now? Do you feel overloaded
or overwhelmed?
All of these are signs that you need a little silence, solitude, and
simplicity. These feelings and questions are our spiritual desires
trying desperately to be heard.
Depending on our situation in life, some of these will be easier
to meet than others. A mother with young children may find it very
difficult to find silence, solitude, and simplicity. We must remember
that we are not talking about the constant silence, solitude, and
simplicity of a monk. What we need and desire are small pockets of
silence and solitude and a general structure of simplicity.
It is also critically important that we treasure the time we do
have to be alone. If we respond to our need for solitude by going
shopping by ourselves, our need for solitude may be partially satisfied,
but the distractions of music, other people, and the host of
desires that will arise from “the mall experience” will prevent us
from drinking from the well of solitude.
In order to achieve the soul- searching that we desire and legitimately
need, it is important to find a quiet place to be alone. Only
in that silence and solitude are we able to remember that we already
know the things that will bring us lasting happiness.
It would be lovely if our souls growled every time they were
hungry the way our stomachs do. But they don’t. The voice of the
hungry soul is confusion, questions, and a general sense of being
Matthew Kelly
From The Rhythm of Life
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