We do, of course, live in a time that is marked by tremendous technological
advancement. Every time-saving device is available to us,
and still no one has time.
Each morning my assistant presents me with a list of things
that he thinks should be attended to that day. The list includes
phone calls to be made, letters to be written, meetings to attend,
and my travel schedule. On top of those things I need to set time
apart to pray, write, exercise, and stay in touch with family and
friends. Every day I go through the list and say to something, “I -
won’t have time to do that today.” In itself, that is fine. Nobody
can do everything. What is critical is what I decide to exclude and
why I decide to exclude it.
When was the last time you said, “I don’t have time!” either to
an idea in your mind or to a person? What was it that you didn’t
have time to do? For most people it is something like spending
time with the family or taking the time to look up an old friend and
make sure that life is not treating her too harshly. For others it is exercise
or that extra time it takes to eat properly. And at one point or
another, for all of us, it is prayer. Yet if God appeared to you right
now in a vision and told you that three weeks from today you
would be making the journey from this life to the next, would you
rush back to work to make your millions? Would you rush out to
the mall to make sure you had the right clothes to die in? No. Most
of us would spend time with family and friends and, in some way,
try to prepare ourselves for that journey to the next life.
We do not know how long our lives on this earth will last.
Some things are more important than others. Prayer, reflection,
meditation, and a life with rhythm remind us of this truth and
help us to remain focused on the things that are really important.
Matthew Kelly
From The Rhythm of Life
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