25% of the year is already gone! How is it going for you? Do you need to make a course correction? If your year is not heading in the direction you had envisioned, it’s not too late to make some changes. I need inspiration to bring the best out of me each day. I hope these bits and pieces help bring the best out of you. 1. Are you taking The Long View? Taking the long view changes the way we approach everything. Think about what’s going best in your life and what’s going worst in your life, then check this out and apply long view thinking to each… add what you learn to the comments section. 2. Ten Things to Teach Your Child about Bullying. Watch the Video. Read the Article. 3. Want more from your career? Learn the secret to personal and professional satisfaction. 4. I’m excited to host a special online event for NOTHING IS RANDOM. It’s free. Space is limited, so register today! The webinar will be based on my latest Forbes article: Great Visionaries Use Decade Thinking To Achieve Great Success — And You Can Too! 5. Learn more about The Classroom of Silence. Watch the Video. Read the Article. 6. Dig the Well Before You Get Thirsty. This is my first prayer journal. It’s a chance to personalize all the lessons God is giving rise to in your heart. It's made up of five sections • 21 Questions that Will Change Your Life • What is God Saying to You Today? • A Journey Through I Heard God Laugh (reflections and exercises that accompany each of the 30 videos here) • The Discernment Process: Learn How to Make Great Decisions • Dreaming with God. 7. Inspire your children and grandchildren to Make a Difference. 8. Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to happiness? Get the Book. Watch the Videos. 9. Don’t forget Mother’s Day. The Perfect Mother’s Day gift. 10. Did you know… we are releasing a new short video every day on my YouTube Channel. Subscribe today! I hope these inspirations give you COURAGE. Everything in life requires courage. So feed yourself a little inspiration each day to keep your courage up. m. PS – If you missed the last edition, click here.
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Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.
