Say Goodbye to Your Most TOXIC Friend! Advent Prayers and Reflections! Rediscover the Joy and Peace of the Season with Your Children or Grandchildren! The Not-So-Secret KEY to Blessings … All That and MORE in This Week’s Inspiration!
1. Say Goodbye to Your Most TOXIC Friend!
2. Make Lighting the Advent Wreath a Time for MEANINGFUL Connections and Discussions with Your Loved Ones.
3. Teach Your Child or Grandchild the TRUE MEANING of Advent and Christmas!
4. The Not-So-SECRET KEY to Blessings: This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!
5. Give a Truly LIFE-CHANGING Gift!
6. T-Shirt of the Week: Pray, Hope, and Don’t WORRY!
7. Invite MIRACLES Into Your Life!
“When we attend to our legitimate spiritual needs, everything else seems to fall into perspective. Only then are we able to let go of the past, wait patiently for the future, and live with an intense passion for life in the joy of the here and now. We feel healthy. We feel more fully alive. Our lives fill with vitality, and life becomes an exciting adventure instead of the day-to-day drudgery of counting the minutes away.” –The Three Ordinary Voices of God
Have a great week!
PS – Still Searching for the Perfect Gift for Your Loved Ones? Check out This List!
PPS – If You Missed the Last Edition, Click Here!

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.