If You Do Nothing Else Today. . . Do THIS! 3 Ways You Are Sabotaging Yourself with HEADTRASH! Discover the #1 BENEFIT of being a believer in Christ! Check out the Lead with Culture podcast from leaders at Floyd! We’re coming up on the anniversary of Rediscover Jesus. . . All that and more for you to share with anyone who needs to hear these messages!
1. 1 Habit That Will CHANGE Your LIFE!
2. What is MY Dream for the WORLD?
4. The #1 BENEFIT of Having Faith: This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!
5. Get to know the greatest teacher EVER in Rediscover Jesus! Watch the video and get your copy as we approach the 10th anniversary of this incredible book!
6. Join us on an epic, 75-mile walking pilgrimage that will TRANSFORM your life! Leave your burdens behind and pick up your cross!
7. What is the BIGGEST Obstacle to PROGRESS In Today’s Society?
8. Discover business best-practices from top CEOs and leaders, inspiring Dream Manager success stories, and strategies to help you and your team grow on Floyd's podcast Lead with Culture!
9. 3 Ways You Are SABOTAGING Yourself with HEADTRASH!
“Love yourself by becoming the-best-version-of-yourself. . . I’ve never known anyone more in love with life than those who are dedicated to being all they can be. This is the dedication principle: ‘In order to love what you do, you must do what you love.’” – The Rhythm of Life
PS – Have you read The Rocking Chair Prophet? I’d love to hear what you think. Leave a review and read what others are saying!
PPS – Did you miss this? The interview EVERYONE is talking about!
PPPS – If you missed the latest edition, click here!

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.