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Amazing Possibilities!

Writer's pictureMatthew Kelly

Meet The-Best-Version-of-Yourself – From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

When was the last time you paused to really think about your life? When was the last time you listened to the cravings of your soul? The more we pay attention to our spiritual health, the more attuned we become to our spiritual needs. In the same way our stomachs growl when they’re hungry, our souls give us signs they are hungry too. My soul wants to spend time with my kids and listen to beautiful music. What is your soul hungry for today?

2. 2 Questions That Will Wake You UP!

3. Explore Your Own Deeply Personal Questions

4. The Ultimate Spiritual Quiz: This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!

8. Ready to Feel MORE ALIVE?

I’ll send you off with a quote from Resisting Happiness:

“God is calling me to change. He is calling you to change. He invites me to change and grow every day, and he promises me his grace. He invites me not to become superior to other people, but to become superior to my former self. He wants my self of today to be a better self than my self of yesterday.”

PS – Have you read The Rocking Chair Prophet? I’d love to hear what you think. Leave a review and read what others are saying!

PPS – If you missed the latest edition, click here!

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Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.



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