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Amazing Possibilities!

  • Writer's pictureMatthew Kelly

Matthew’s Going to Fatima – From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

The Bad News Is You Only Have ONE LIFE to Be Anything You Want. . .The GOOD NEWS Is You Can BE ANYTHING You Want! Choose to Be the BEST Version of Yourself! This Week: An Exciting Invitation for You and Your Family, a Thrilling Video Series, and MORE!

4.   The Greatest MYSTERY of CATHOLICISM: This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!

5.   Are You Following Me on FACEBOOK? Check Out My Page for Daily Inspiration!

“God is calling me to change. He is calling you to change. He invites me to change and grow every day, and he promises me his grace. He invites me not to become superior to other people, but to become superior to my former self. He wants myself of today to be a better self than myself of yesterday.” Amazing Possibilities  

Have a great week!


PS INSPIRE The Next Generation with The TRUE PRESENCE CLUB! These Beautiful Gift Packages Are the Perfect Gift for the Children and Grandchildren in Your Life!

PPS – If you missed the latest edition, click here!

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Matthew Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.


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