Don’t Waste Your One Short Life. The Truth About Jesus' Love for You - This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection. My Grandmother’s Prayer – It Works! Experience the healing waters of Lourdes and much more in Fatima, Avila, and Lourdes. August 2023 availability! Stop Teaching Your Child This – and much more in this week’s Inspiration!
3. My Grandmother’s Prayer – It WORKS!
4. The TRUTH About Jesus's Love for You - This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection.
5. Gain powerful insight into the mystery of suffering with Making Sense Out of Suffering.
6. Experience the healing waters of Lourdes and much more in Fatima, Avila, and Lourdes. August 2023 availability!
7. There is no secret to the good life.
“Children need to be listened to. They need to be loved, but they also desperately need opportunities to love. They need time, the time of parents, coaches, mentors, and teachers. They need to feel like someone understands them, or at least is trying to understand them. They need to know that they are not alone.” – Building Better Families
Have a great week!
PS - Did you miss this? Luke Burgis, Author of WANTING, Interviews with Matthew Kelly
PPS - If you missed the last edition, click here.

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.