SIXTEEN Books from the Last FIVE YEARS! Reflect on Jesus’ Journey to Calvary! Don’t Starve Your Life of Joy! And Invite Others to Share in the Mass! …All That and MORE in This Week’s Inspiration!
1. What Have You Done in the Last FIVE Years?
2. What Are the Stations of the Cross?
3. You Only Have ONE Life! Don’t STARVE It of JOY!
4. The MOST Fascinating Story in the New Testament: This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!
5. T-Shirt of the Week: Sacred Heart – God’s BOUNDLESS Love and Mercy!
6. Let’s End “Mass Is Boring!”
7. Gain the CLARITY Necessary to Live in a Busy World!
" The truth that Holy Moments are possible reminds us that in the face of the overwhelming problems. In our world, we can wake each day and joyfully share God's truth, goodness, and beauty with everyone who crosses our path.” –The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity
Have a great week!
PS – Have You Missed a Lenten Reflection? Find Them All Here!
PPS – If You Missed the Last Edition, Click Here!

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.