I recently spent a couple of days with friends in Atlanta who have
a three-month-old daughter, their first child. My visit coincided
with the Super Bowl, and I remarked that this would be Brooke’s
first Super Bowl. Her father, Nick, replied, “Every day is her first
In children, we celebrate progress. We applaud them, hug
them, kiss them, congratulate them, and reward them for the tiniest
advances. This atmosphere of encouragement plays a huge role
in the rapid progress children make in the early months and years
of their lives.
Just because we are adults, we shouldn’t stop celebrating progress. Progress is a reward in itself. I am happier when I am making
progress. See if the same isn’t true for you. Observe yourself. Study
the areas that you are making progress in. Look back at times in
your life when you have made progress in an area of your life. How
did you feel about yourself, about life, and about your future?
Matthew Kelly
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