Are Religious People STUPID? 4 TOXIC Everyday Habits that Are Killing You! A BIGGER and BETTER Future for Educators! Learn To Celebrate Your Progress! And a message from the Kelly children! All that and more in this week’s inspiration!
2. This year Walter, Isabel, Harry, Ralph, and Simon had great fun opening and closing the Best Lent Ever videos. Now at the end of the Easter season they have one final message for you…
3. In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week starting on Monday, I share with you my dream for a BIGGER and BETTER Future for Educators! Share this with the educators in your life!
4. 4 TOXIC Everyday Habits that Are Killing You!
5. This is the perfect opportunity to spark a movement of generosity within your circle of influence.
6. A Gospel Ghost Story: PROOF the Resurrection Isn’t a Myth! - This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection.
7. Every Day Is Your First Something: Learn To Celebrate Your Progress.
8. Experience the Marian Apparition sites in Europe! Visit the incredible Sanctuary of Fatima, touch the healing waters in Lourdes, and see where St. Theresa of Avila lived, wrote, and heard the voice of God!
“In the beginning, we form our habits. After a while, they begin to form us. If we do not conquer our bad habits, sooner or later they conquer us. What areas of your life have become out of control? From time to time, we all have to wrestle with different things. What are you wrestling with? You had better get rid of it, or it is going to get rid of you.” - The Rhythm of Life
Have a great week!
PS - Did you miss this? Join Dr. Allen Hunt for his final Easter Bible study session this Monday at 7:15 PM ET. If you missed the first two sessions, watch them now! God Paid How Much? & I’m Supposed to Love THAT GUY?
PPS - If you missed the last edition, click here.

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.