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Amazing Possibilities!

  • Writer's pictureMatthew Kelly

Transform Every Aspect of Your Life – From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

The List is Out: Dynamic Catholic’s TOP 10 BOOKS of the Year! Don’t Make THIS Mistake Most Parents Make! Do You Wish You Could Talk to ANYONE? Learn How to Read the Bible Like Never Before! Plus, EXCITING content from The Rocking Chair Prophet in this week’s inspiration! Does someone in your life need to hear these messages? Share them out!

3. Text or Call Sophia’s Phone Number!

4. Can God TRUST You? This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!

5. T-Shirt of the Week: Generosity Looks Good on You!

6. Experience the EXTRAORDINARY Journey of One of the Greatest Saints of All Time!

8. Read the Bible With NEW EYES!

9. The #1 MISTAKE Parents Make!

“I promise you with absolute certitude that there is no faster, surer way to share in the life, the power, and the infinite joy of God than to give. Give of your time, give of your talents, and give of your resources to make a difference in other people’s lives. It is the way of greatness. This is the way of God. It is the way of legends, heroes, stars, champions, leaders, and saints. I hope and pray that it becomes your way, and mine.” – The Rhythm of Life

PS – Have you read The Rocking Chair Prophet? I’d love to hear what you think. Leave a review and read what others are saying!

PPS – If you missed the latest edition, click here!

PPPS – Did you know? The Rocking Chair Prophet is available in Audiobook format!

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Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.



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