Matthew Kelly

Jun 102 min

The Rest of Your Life Is Ahead of You – From the Desk of Matthew Kelly

Being a Father Is HARD. It’s Important to Know That, Because If We Expect It to Be Easy, We Will FAIL! But You Deserve Those Precious Moments With Your Children, And They Deserve Those Precious Moments With YOU! Share This Week’s INSPIRATION With A Father Who May Need It Today!

1. This Is EVERY MAN’S STORY. A Perfect Gift for Father’s Day!

2. What Are Your DREAMS For Your FAMILY? STARTING POINT Will Equip You With All The Tools You Need to Be a Great Parent!

3. There Are LIMITED SPOTS Available for This TRANSFORMATIVE Pilgrimage to Italy!

4. What’s Your JOB in the Kingdom of HEAVEN?: This Week’s GOSPEL Reflection!

5. This Special Message Is For MEN ONLY!

6. This WORLD CLASS APP Will Lead Your Children to Where God is CALLING Them to Be!

7. Have You Claimed Your FREE 6-Pack of Holy Moments Yet?

“Dads have incredible power. We will impact the lives of our children whether we intend to or not. We can’t help it. We are their dads. Our children will become like us regardless of our intentions. . . Think about the power you have to shape your kids.” – Step Up, Dad!  

Have a great week!


PS INSPIRE The Next Generation with The TRUE PRESENCE CLUB! These Beautiful Gift Packages Are the Perfect Gift for the Children and Grandchildren in Your Life!

PPS – If you missed the latest edition, click here!



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Matthew Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.
